Vincent CHAN

Software Developer

Hong Kong

About Me



  • AI Search: This is the RAG search engine that utilizes AI to summarize your searches, and provides more efficiency Query (free).
  • Whatsapp AI helper: add your group, and tell him what you need, V AI will help you. (free).
  • Mentor GPT: Talk to your mentor and create the image you like (free for chat!!!).
  • Blog AI: Assistance for writing your article (free).
  • Voice to Text : Allow input of a YouTube URL to generate a transcript for the audio (free).
  • GPT-CLONED WEB CHAT BOT : Allows you to communicate with GPT4 through its API which is using the separated Backend server to control the quota you can talk with GPT4.


  • Pedometer App (2018): This app motivates users to walk more and level up their in-app character. It also allows them to participate in battles with other users, view rankings. GitHub Repo.
  • Chat App (2017): This app is designed for chatting with other users and its backend uses services similar to Firebase. Github Rep.



  • The VMDB (2023): The website was created using NextJS version 13 (App Route). Github Rep.



  • Image-keeper: Upload your images for free and share them with the world. Enjoy unlimited storag (free).
  • PDF-Helper: The PDF collection tool helps manage your PDFs (free).
  • File-Converter: Change the file to other format (free).
  • JOB Tracking System: Record the job you have applied (free).


  • More projects will be added/listed later, please check back...